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How to Delete Your Account

Table of Contents
  • Step 1: Navigate to My Account
  • Step 2: Select Delete Account
  • Step 3: Confirm Account Deletion
  • Step 4: Enter Password to Confirm
  • Step 5: Account Deletion Complete
  • Step 2: Select Delete Account

    Scroll down and click on the “Delete Account” button located under the “Address” section.

    Step 3: Confirm Account Deletion

    A confirmation popup will appear. Click “Yes, Delete” to proceed with deleting your account.

    Step 4: Enter Password to Confirm

    You will be redirected to the login page. Enter your email and password to confirm the account deletion.

    Step 5: Account Deletion Complete

    Once the process is complete, you will be redirected to the signup page, and your account will be deleted from the system.